Chevrolet Small Block LS7 2.200" +.500

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  • $23.00
Market price: $31.00, you save $8.00
  • 26% less

Chevrolet Small Block LS7 Intake Valve

Head Dia. - 2.200"

OAL 5.450" 

Stem Dia. - 5/16

Tip Length - .290"

Material - 21-4n Stainless Steel

Lightweight Series

  • Weight
    0.25 lbs
  • SKU

Chevrolet Small Block LS7 Intake Valve

Head Dia. - 2.200"

OAL 5.450" 

Stem Dia. - 5/16

Tip Length - .290"

Material - 21-4n Stainless Steel

Lightweight Series

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